Three Reasons Why I Will Vote for Barack Obama on Nov. 4 (by Bill McSorley)

ONE: The Iraq War decision
After 911, we were uniquely focused, partisan political practices were set aside and our country was motivated to action. The CIA and military cooperated and developed and implemented a successful initiative in Afghanistan. President Bush told us that Iraq was an imminent threat to our security. I did not see a relationship but I was willing to allow that “The President has significant intelligence which he cannot share with us which justifies this action”. Most Americans including the media accepted the President’s case similarly. John McCain responded no better than I did. He cheered the team onward as the Bush administration described how the conflict may take “a few weeks” to resolve. Barack Obama projected that without a clear measurable objective or an understanding of the local & regional political impact; it was likely we could get involved in a long term struggle. Barack Obama had the intellect to assess the facts, the calm temperament to check his emotions and react based on reason and the courage to present an unpopular view publicly. He identified a sufficient case for war had not been made. Today, the impact of this decision is enormous:

more than 4000 courageous American men and women have been killed
many times that number have been seriously injured
hundreds of thousands of Iraqis have been killed
more than a trillion dollars ($1,000, 000, 000, 000) has been spent
our moral standing in the eyes of the world has been diminished
our strategic political alliances and other relationships have been devastated
Today, Bush and McCain appear unwilling to acknowledge that this was a mistake. I wouldn’t want someone leading my baseball team or leading my work group at the office, if they couldn’t acknowledge and learn from their mistakes. I certainly don’t want someone in the White House who won’t admit that invading Iraq was a mistake. An emotional irrational temperament and stubbornness are not the character traits of a good president.

TWO: Future American prosperity
I speak as one who has been the beneficiary of a safe and healthy childhood environment, educational opportunity and work which provides both personal fulfillment and adequate financial support. I hope for a country where the general prosperity provides the foundation for us to care for those nationally and internationally who need some help. There are many hurdles to realizing this vision for our country. This vision hinges on an energetic successful American economy and common interest in helping others. To achieve general prosperity we must promote innovation and economic development without abandoning the necessary controls to curb the avarice of unadulterated capitalism. When our founding fathers embraced democracy, they did so to take the power from the rich and powerful and give it to the people. It is only through our government that “we the people” can control corporate power and achieve general prosperity. The McCain economic policy is based on the belief that government is the problem. I disagree. Ineffective inefficient bureaucratic government is the problem. The right leadership makes all the difference. Since 2001, with President Bush at the helm and John McCain among the congressional leadership, they have had the opportunity to implement policy. The Republican party controlled both houses of Congress through the 2006 elections. The results include:

While the economy grew and the wealthy prospered, middle class families have been experiencing a loss of real income
The annual federal budget has gone from a surplus to the largest deficit in history
No action was taken to address our dependence on foreign oil
Unlike the John McCain, Barack Obama recognizes that an expanding economy and general prosperity are not the same.

The Obama economic plan includes many specific initiatives (go to for details). Barack would establish a national goal to end the import of oil from unfriendly foreign nations within 10 years. This is significant for our economy, our strategic interest and to address global warming. Barack would eliminate the Bush tax cuts and lower income taxes for 95% of working Americans by $1000 /per year. Barack’s plan recognizes the future of our economy is dependent upon education. His plan includes more emphasis of early childhood education, wages & respect to attract better teachers and a program to help pay for college with community service.

Smart government can strengthen our economy and promote general prosperity.

THREE: Learning to work together
The principal cause of ineffective government is the failure to constructively debate issues in order to develop innovative solutions. In an environment where diverse opinions can be expressed, policy makers listen and the costs & benefits of each alternative solution is honestly evaluated, “we the people” get an extraordinarily effective government. This may sound like a dream but history shows us that no real change can occur without leaders who are willing to oppose the status quo and reject those complacent responses “That’s the way it is, and that’s how it will always be.”

Barack has taken on this fight. Despite attacks which are negative, misleading and even outright lies he has continued to fight for a civilized debate of the issues. His campaign is working diligently to dispel misinformation and provide thorough accurate information about the candidate and his policies. They have initiated debate on the policy of his opponent but have not stooped to using misleading or deceitful advertising.

Barack Obama has demonstrated a profound confidence in the American people. He has placed the success of his efforts in their hands with the belief that they will see through the lies make a valid judgment on his candidacy.