January 1994

January 2, 1994:
The end of a year, like the end of many things, brings a melancholy of thoughts of what has passed and a fear of what lies ahead. I had a dramatic example of both of these emotions as the year drew to an end. I lost a friend, Tom Kelly, in an auto accident and I have been ordered to have my cardiac plumbing looked at with a catheter on January 18, 1994.

It seems that genetics, my family history, plays a more important role in the deteriorating of the cardiovascular system than the player himself. I do not regret the hours spent in im¬proving my system, and in fact, I’d do it all again. It gave me, in the parlance of today, a “life”. I don’t mean to put that in the past tense because it is doing very well right now, so I can answer to the imperative “Get a life!”, with “I have”. So much so that I would regret very much leaving it for the unknown alleged eternal glory.

Tom Kelly was a good friend. He was, with his wife, Barbara, the owner of the bar next door to my office, as well as a restaurant in Germantown called the Hathaway Inn. I met Tom some twenty years ago when he was a sheriff under Sheriff Joe Sullivan. Our paths crossed over the years and then came together some 6 or 7 years ago when he became the purchaser of Buddy’s Wagon Wheel (the bar next door) now called “The Chase”.

We both became defendants in a recent lawsuit over the lease for Buddy’s, so we had more opportunities to see some of each other. He was a large Irishman in every sense of the word. He fulfilled the adage “Be they kings or poets or innkeppers, the Irish have great worth, they keep company with the angels and they bring a little bit of heaven to earth.” This was Tom Kelly!

* * * *

January 13, 1994:
We visited Disney World in Orlando, Florida from the 5th to the lOth of January. We being June, myself, June’s sister, Mary, her husband John, their son, David and his girlfriend, Jeanine(?). John and Mary were frequent visitors to the resort so they did the planning. They did an excellent job.

We stayed at the Polynesian Resort in Disney World itself which gave us immediate access to monorail and bus transportation to the entire Kingdom. It is a kingdom. It is a self-governed city two times larger than Manhatten Island and equal to the size of San Francisco. It employs 33,000 people to make fantasy become a reality. It is comprised of some three major theme parks,The Magic Kingdom, Epcot Center and MGM Studio park. It has some 65 sit down restaurants and I wouldn’t even want to estimate the number of hotel rooms. It is a cultural and sensual experience that is not easily outdone. We had the advantage of two exper¬ienced visitors in John and Mary so we were not lost in the enormity of the place or its attractions. We apparently, from all reports, went at a good time since we were in the six days able to cover the three major attractions and some side shopping sites. This usually is not possible due to the crowds. It is a land of children and fantasy. We were entertained constantly by the smiles and behavior of children of all ages. In fact, at one show, in Mickey’s “Starland”, in Magic Kingdom, June and I agreed that we were really out of place without a young one tagging along. I suggested we could open a “Rent-a-Kid” office for grandparents who had to leave their grandchildren at home.

One of the highlights of the trip was to watch June be¬come a thespian as she was selected to play Edna in a Shakes¬pearean spoof of Romeo and Edna played on the street in Merry Olde England. She was outstanding and received an award which unfortunately was retaken when she failed to cry properly.

At one point the narrator looked down at June lying on the ground in the death scene and said “Don’t suppose you thought you would find yourself lying on the ground at Epcot Center today, did you?” June was wearing a “Universal Studio” shirt. It had caused some comments at the breakfast table and as we travelled through the park. “Universal” is a competitor of Disney and was where we visited last March on our return trip from Rich and Shirley’s. It also raised some eyebrows and comments as she stepped out to perform…so they put a hat-veil combination on her that would fall over the damaging words …all in good fun and enjoyed by all!

I sit here on the 17th looking at what is yet an unfinished report on our trip and wondering when I will get back to it… since in the morn I will submit to a catheterization and be in Holy Redeemer for at least a day and a night. I am uncertain what they may find so I thought it best to just let this go as it is …with a promise that I’ll get back as soon as I can.

Just one more bit of news, more for my brothers and sisters than my children…Mary has become engaged to one, Ron Yates. The father of the bride-to-be gave his permission on the phone last Thursday night, January 13th. It, of course, was a courteous gesture that is today hardly remembered. I had just reread some of “The More the Merrier” and happened to note of Dan and Bob’s request to the Patriarch and the responses received. I also responded in a similar manner … almost .. just that I was flattered that he called and we both knew that my permission would not control …since it has not controlled for on to some nigh 11 years or so…my advice was often given but my permission was neither sought nor needed.

I’ll be in touch with the news and report on the wonders of Disney World in the near future.

January 18, 1994:
Catheterization indicates by-pass required. Will have surgery in the next few days. Will keep you posted.