December 1997

A look back indicates that the December 1996 Jottings, talked about the weather. It recalled, as I started to type those Jottings, that we were coming off three days of steady rain. Rain records were being set to match the snow records of January of ’96. The January record of snow was 36″ in one day. The rainfall for the year 1996 was 55″. It is with great pleasure we end this year without having to report anything as dismal as that weather. Yet, you’ll be happy to note that the headline for the St. Pete’s Times today (12/6) reads: “Bay Area Bundles Up For Wintry Weekend”. Now “wintry” is a relative term. Here in Florida it means: “Highs will only reach into the 50’s today” The lows on Sunday (the coldest day of the Wintry Weekend) may reach freezing but the high will be in the 60’s, come Tuesday we should be back in the high 70’s. Now that’s not “wintry” in Philadelphia terms not as I remember it anyway!

P.S. We survived; it never got into the 30’s

We are certainly at home now. Proof: I can now park the car in the garage! Further evidence: We have decorated for Christmas! We await the arrival of our first houseguests: Mary Lou, Walt, Tracy, and the gang are coming 12/20. Please note that the “we” with regard to the decorating is really not correct. It should read “June”. My contributions are “awed appreciation” and occasionally painting items that are so used.

Looking back over 1997 the most momentous event certainly has to be the move, but a close second is: The birth of Alex and Aidan. We look forward on our return trip in the month of May to seeing them. They will be 15 months old by then. At the rate they were growing when we left, and from all reports since, they will probably be walking and helping Dad take out the trash!

In process of unpacking, I came across a certificate issued to me by the Department of Education of Pennsylvania in 1951 to teach “Latin” in secondary schools. It got me to thinking how that came about.

I had Education as a minor study at St. Joseph’s. I wanted to be able to teach so if I couldn’t make it entirely practicing law, I could teach as a means for supplemental income. As it turned out I did teach but not in Secondary School but in the College Night School. Being certified to teach Latin was the result of having the usual Jesuit education. I had insufficient credits, in my major, Political Science, to be considered qualified to teach any of those subjects. The Jesuits, for the uninformed, accented Philosophy, Theology, and Metaphysics, so the time for the “alleged” major subjects was less than in other institutions. But since I had had six years of Lingual Latina Bill Walsh suggested that I could obtain it in that subject. Bill was a friend and Head of the Education Dept. at St. Joseph’s. One of the other requirements before a certificate could be issued, was practice teaching I think for 90 Days. Bill had a place for me to do that. I was to take a Nun’s place at the Roman Catholic H.S. Annex at 2nd and Girard Ave. I went there in the last three months of my senior year, part of March, then April, and May. Having completed the time needed, the State issued me the certificate to teach (temporarily) in Secondary Schools. I kept the certificate over the years just in case the need ever arose. It is now beyond those needs but

I found it an interesting piece of the mosaic of my life. It maybe in part of why I still find the language fascinating.

I am keeping this short. I will send along another Memoir as filler (?), as if you need one! Hopefully I will get to add a personal note to each of you.

June and I wish all of you a MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Dec. 14, 1997

Ron & Mary:

You know we will miss looking on the faces of Aidan and Alex to make our Christmas complete. But be assured they and you will be in our minds on the eve of that day as we sing of the birth of a babe. I hear from all that your open house was a success and I hope the surprise for Tom goes as well. It should be next weekend, no? I know with you guys in charge it will be a rip-snorting affair! Give the guys a big hug from Gandpop and have one yourselves.

Love, Dad