June 1993 – 2

“Flattery will get you everywhere” someone once noted. I recently suffered the pleasure of hearing some of it directed at me. Brother Dick praised my latest jottings and I was amazed how astute I believed his judgment and observations were. I was “Home on the Range…where the deer and the antelope play and nothing is heard, but an encouraging word!” How easily I am flattered! It just shows how human I can be.

I did think of some of my father’s remarks on writing. I asked him once why he didn’t write more, or maybe he just volunteered the idea. He said, “I don’t have anything to say that hasn’t already been said and in a better way.” Nevertheless, he continued to write even when he didn’t have the assistance of a secretary – in a scrawl that needed an interpreter. Win tells a story of the early years of the Family Letter handwritten – where Pat would call to find out what the letter said!

June is gone (the month that is!). It ended with a visit by Sue and Tom and Bill and their children at Avalon. Got to swim with Meg, Kate and Karen. It ended with another run with Mary, the “Nun’s Run” in Avalon on June 25th. Bill also ran. It was a 5K. Mary ran with her father and broke 9 minutes a mile. Bill broke the sound barrier, or so it seemed, in comparison.

The story of the run itself is only part of it. The twins, Tommy and Kelly Golden asked on the evening before the run if they could attend, much to their grandparents’ suprise. I advised them that the run was at 8 a.m. (as I did Bill and Mary). It required an early rise for them and we arrived at 7:30 a.m. The activity, as we reached 8 a.m., was minimal and Mary and Bill were suprised at the low numbers being issued and the small number of participants, when lo! and behold! we were advised that Pop-Pop had the wrong starting time! It was registration at 8 a.m.! The run started at “9 a.m.”! There was much moaning over loss of sleep, etc. It required a trip to the bookstore later in the day to make amends -two Calvin & Hobbes picture books, one science wonder book, a Jurassic Park and young reader’s book. The money was a small price to pay to relieve an embarrassed grandpop (nothing could be paid to relieve the suffering as embarrassed husband. It entered wife’s book of “I should have known and checked it myself.”)

We had a brief visit on Saturday, July 3rd by Mary, a/k/a Sr. Rita Joseph, and Eleanore (White) McSorley. We heard of the continuing bad weather in Louisiana and continuing growth of the Joe McSorley clan.

The weekend of the Fourth brought a houseful at F-6 in Avalon. The number was around 14, but none stayed still long enough for an accurate count. Grandpop got to take a few walks with his grandson, Paul, who is growing in leaps and bounds. His favorite word now is “Okay!” Everything, good or bad is “Okay”. He calls both his brothers, Sean and David, “David”. It makes sense to me, since I still have a problem being certain which one I am speaking to when one is without the other. Paul will be the “terrible two” on August 31, 1993.